Equality plan

Table of contents

1. The plan basis
2. Discrimination
3. Harassment
4. Meetings and activity of JMYO
5. Events

1. The plan basis

There are many kinds of individuals with different backgrounds studying forestry. Joensuun Metsäylioppilaat ry does not tolerate anyone getting discriminated by members of subject association nor anyone else during their studies. The aim of this equality plan is to disclose student association’s official opinion towards any discriminatory and inappropriate actions.

The fundament behind this equality plan is the non-discrimination act (1325/2014), which obligates to improve equality and to prevent discrimination according to 1 §. Joensuun Metsäylioppilaat ry perceives its every member and other persons as equal individuals regardless of their age, origin, nationality, religion, belief, opinion, political actions, health, sexuality, or any other feature related to the person.

2. Discrimination

Joensuun Metsäylioppilaat aspire to improve equality and consequently to prevent any kind of discrimination. The background or any other feature of an individual must not be seen as a restriction to attend an event, for example. Act of Equality between Women and Men (609/1986) outlaws any direct and indirect discrimination based on gender, which also includes sexual harassment.

In order that equality actualises must every student respect other students in his/her own actions and treat them equally.

3. Harassment

Joensuun Metsäylioppilaat has zero tolerance towards any harassment and every harassment case is treated with seriousness. There is a confidential counsellor designated within the students association who can be contacted regarding harassment cases (contact details are on the student associations website). The promotion of interests of the student association serves as the confidential counsellor within the students association per se. Confidential counsellor offers support and advice for a person who has experienced harassment. All contacts are confidential and the confidential counsellor has an absolute confidentiality.

Victims of harassment can also contact the confidential counsellor of The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY), which operates at the Joensuu campus.

4. Meetings and activity of JMYO

Actions of JMYO must be completely accessible. The aim is to have open and transparent actions within the board of JMYO.

Meetings will be organized in accessible spaces and they are open to every member of the student association. To make sure that everyone willing can access the meetings regardless of their location, meetings are pursued to be held with a remote access, if possible. Every member of Joensuun Metsäylioppilaat has the right to apply for board consequently a chance to affect the decisions within the students association.

5. Events

Events are meant for every member of the student association. Events are organized by head(s) of events. Following issues should be mentioned when advertising upcoming events:

- What happens?
- Where?
- When?
- Whom is this event addressed to?
- Is there an entrance fee?

Event advertisements should be clear and comprehensible and also written in Finnish and English.
The event organizers (heads of events or other persons in charge) must take into account equal treatment of every participant, for example, during the event planning. The background of an individual must not be seen as a restriction to attend an event per se.

Based on The Equality Plan (2018) of The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY).

Joensuu 13th of October 2021.

Hanna Siiskonen
Promotion of interests
